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Simone Tostes’s Blog offers Tips, Destinations, Hotels, Restaurants and Tours in amazing places, visited by Simone to plan your Destination Wedding.

9 Jewish Wedding Traditions

Only I who thought that March would not end? LOL! But we are back and now talking about Jewish marriage. I’ve already shared Greek ,  Indian and Muslim traditions here , and now it’s time to talk about Jewish traditions . In the end, I put some “items” that are part of the Jewish wedding to make this matter even more complete. Hope you like it! Like the page […]

10 Indian Wedding Traditions

You liked my tips for adding a Greek touch to your wedding in last week’s post, I decided to continue with the theme. I want to take advantage of everything I have learned around the world , at weddings and congresses that I have held in the four corners to share here the coolest traditions that you can […]

Destination wedding in Greece

Today we are going to travel far. The 7th Annual DWP Congress will take place in Rhodes, Greece , and I was thinking that I haven’t yet made a post about destination wedding in Greece . To inspire couples who are looking for the perfect trip as soon as all of this is over, Greece is the destination for sure! Like the page of […]

Guide to a destination wedding in Rome

This week Facebook warned me that it was a year ago that I was in Rome to represent Brazil at BMII – Borsa di Matrimonio in Italy . I almost died of so much nostalgia, and even today it is not a TBT day, I didn’t want to miss the chance to remember this event here on the […]

5 tips for making a micro wedding at home

We are already arriving in the second week of vaccination in Brazil . It still seems like I’m dreaming, and even though I’m taking slow steps and a lot of confusion, I’m optimistic and I want to believe that we are in the final stretch of all this. Soon, we will be able to travel and, of course, have […]

The day I applied to get the Janssen vaccine

At this time of year, I always do a retrospective of last year, but what about a year like the one we had, right? My 2020 came down to two Famtrip trips to Rome in February and Turkey in November, and a beautiful mini wedding in Rio. However, 2021 arrived and I’m really optimistic, really! I didn’t think I would have that strong feeling, but I am and […]

Destination wedding in Cappadocia: discover the hotel Argos In

Continuing my expedition to the best and most charming hotels for destination wedding in Turkey, today I want to talk about Argos In, which is in Cappadocia! One of the best surprises I’ve had. As you know, this was not my first time in Cappadocia, and getting to know Argos is something really incredible. Like the page of Aonde […]

Aonde Casar represents Brazil at a royal event in Istanbul and Cappadocia

Looking forward to sharing with you how my first trip was after the pandemic began . You have probably seen some details on my Instagram, but I made a point of making a complete post to tell you about this “new” experience. Like the page of Aonde Casar on Facebook! I confess that when I was invited by KM […]

Imagem Selo Aonde Casar

We will be delighted to realize the wedding you have always dreamed of.