Today’s destiny has a special affection for me. My days at Il Borro in Tuscany reminded me of my childhood at my grandmother’s house. The story that medieval architecture brings, coupled with the sweetness of Claude de Orleans and Bragança, former owner and current manager of the hotel, transported me to a distant time (- but not so much lol!) Where happiness was just what I felt. And that’s why Il Borro has become one of my favorites in the region for a destination wedding in Italy .
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Claude brings Brazil in the heart (and blood). Descending from the Brazilian monarchy, she has the title of princess and is a distant cousin of our princess Paola de Orleans and Bragança. That is, everything is at home. LOL!

The hotel, which once belonged to the Medici dynasty and the Savoy family, is now part of the consecrated and luxurious Ferragamo family , which is keen to preserve the place’s past by incorporating international and luxury service into this sanctuary dedicated to wellbeing and art of hospitality.

This garden above, the main one, in which you find a fountain in the middle, is where weddings are held , even outdoors, in the Tuscan style. A charm apart! The hotel also has two chapels . One in the main house, next to this garden, where wedding destinations are held, and one called the village chapel.

Destination wedding in Mexico: My favorite hotels
And if the garden and chapels are breathtaking, think about how pleasant your guests and family will be staying in these nice little stone houses, where the accommodations are located . And the good thing is just being able to “divide them” by groups, families and parts of your life. One house only for work people, one for family members, another childhood friend…

And, of course, what activities to entertain everyone abound. In addition to the hotel and main house, you can also count on Ferragamo’s exclusive shop (dream on the ground floor of your hotel), 2 restaurants , one more rustic and traditional and the other contemporary, a divine winery (Il Borro label wines). are delicious, and can be used for wedding and even souvenir), tennis courts, fitness center, spa, swimming pools and a permanent art gallery . In this one you can find works by Pablo Picasso, Andy Wahrol, Rembrandt , among other big names.

See also: Hotel La Corte dei Papi, another good option in Tuscany
I think it’s already clear that I can’t wait to go back there with a little bride, right? But seriously, it’s a magical place, the face and the weather of our Brazil . Bursting with history, it thrills by the minute, making Il Borro a sure bet for a destination wedding in Italy.
I hope you enjoyed,